
The GlenAllachie Whisky

Whisky is a drink that needs to be drunk the right way and be of a high quality to be truly enjoyed and savoured…

briiv Air Filter

We’re forever on the lookout for eco-friendly, aesthetically superior products here at Coolector HQ and this hunt led us squarely to the door of…

Batch Maker Shirts

For those looking at ways of enhancing their style this summer with some classy pieces of apparel, let us present to you the Maker…


If you’re anything like us, you’ve understandably had health and wellbeing top of mind the last 12 months. To that end, we’ve been on the…

RiviCamer 5k Portable Scanner

It goes without saying that most of us wouldn’t even think about carrying a scanner around with us but that’s because, quite frankly, they’re…

Forge & Foster Watches

As you’re most likely aware, we spend an awful lot of time seeking out new watch brands here at The Coolector given our pressing…

Arkonik Apparel

As you’re likely aware, we’ve got a thing for Land Rover restorations here at The Coolector and that led us straight to the door…


If you’re serious about your headwear and your fashion and want to move away from the mundane world of mainstream labels, adding brands like…

Menlo Club Menswear Subscription

If you’re anything like us here at The Coolector, chances are you’re not overly enamoured with the idea of shopping for clothes and want…

Triwa Time for SUB Oceans Watches

TRIWA, the Swedish watchmaker, are one of the forefront brands in our thinking when it comes to ethical craftsmanship and products designed to make…

Modula Milano Modular Backpack

Backpacks are already amongst the most versatile accessories on the market and when you add modularity into the mix, things are taken to a…