Star Wars™ Orbitkey Collection

With May the fourth rapidly approaching, there is undoubtedly going to be a slew of Star Wars™ themed products hitting the shelves over the next couple of weeks but few will be better than the Star Wars™ Orbitkey Collection. Inspired by iconic heroes and villains, the Star Wars™ Orbitkey Collection celebrates Star Wars in Orbitkey’s sophisticated and minimal design language.

Check out the best bits from this epic collection below:

Star Wars™ | Orbitkey Key Organiser – Death Star™

Taking inspiration from the iconic ships from both the Rebel Alliance and the Galactic Empire, this Star Wars™ | Orbitkey Collection celebrates Star Wars™ with a retro spin on Orbitkey’s elegant design language.

Star Wars™ | Orbitkey Key Organiser – Millennium Falcon™

Considered the most infamous ship in the Star Wars™ saga, the Millenium Falcon came from humble beginnings. First owned by Lando Calrissian, and later Han Solo, it has been instrumental in some of the most memorable victories for the Rebel Alliance and the New Republic.

Star Wars™ | Orbitkey Key Organiser Tie Fighter™

An unforgettable symbol of the Empire, the TIE Fighter was first built to withstand patrols beyond the Outer Rim, and go head to head with the X-Wings used by the Rebel scum.

Star Wars™ | Orbitkey Key Organiser X-Wing™

This retro-styled collection embraces the past and humble beginnings of the Star Wars™ saga by combining design trends from the 70’s with a minimalist twist.

Star Wars™ | Orbitkey Desk Mat Obi-Wan Kenobi™

Journey to become a Jedi™ with the Obi-Wan Kenobi™-inspired Desk Mat, or be seduced by the dark side of organisation with the Darth Vader™ Desk Mat.

Star Wars™ | Orbitkey Key Organiser Darth Vader™

Journey to become a Jedi™ with the Obi-Wan Kenobi™-inspired Key Organiser, or be seduced by the dark side of organisation with the Darth Vader™ Key Organiser.

Star Wars™ | Key Organiser – Boba Fett™

A contemporary camo nylon band and maroon leather lining pay homage to Boba Fett’s™ iconic helmet and chest plate, while the gunmetal hardware is reminiscent of his dangerous armaments.

Leo Davie
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