Kokeshi Matches

Matches might not be the regular fare that we’d typically feature on the pages of The Coolector but it’s not everyday that you encounter matches quite as awesome as these from the creative mind of Kumi Hirasaka. Kokeshi Matches are not the sort that you’ll actually want to light as each boasts a brilliant creative illustration to really bring the matches to life and take them away from the realm of everyday accessory to that of artwork and we’re loving the playful designs of these matches here at Coolector HQ.

Kokeshi Matches are drawn by hand and take their inspiration from traditional Japanese dolls in what is a highly eye-catching and fun series of matches that will make for a great a great collectible for those who like to accumulate kitschy things in their homes. Whilst you might not need these Kokeshi Matches we’re in little doubt that you’ll join us in wanting them such is their out and out awesomeness. Check out a few more of these brilliant firestarters below:








If you’re a design aficionado who happens to have a penchant for matches (in a non-pyromaniac way) then these Kokeshi Matches will likely be right up your street. We’re massive fans of them here at Coolector HQ but, lamentably, it appears that sales outside of Japan are not currently available but fingers cross we’ll be able to start our BBQs with a set this time next summer.

See More: Kokeshi

Leo Davie