Uncharted 4 Gameplay

The Uncharted series of videogames have definitely been amongst the most celebrated and visually spectacular on previous incarnations of the Playstation console so excitement has, understandably, been high around the first iteration on the next generation Playstation 4 console but, up in till now, we’ve had to make do with trailer snippets from Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End but we’ve now been treated to a fair old chunk of gameplay and, we’re delighted to report, it certainly appears to have been worth the wait.

As you can see from the gameplay video above, the graphics in this latest adventure for Nathan Drake are nothing short of extraordinary and the outdoor vistas are definitely beginning to showcase the capabilities of the Playstation 4 in vivid detail. Whilst we’ve only dabbled in the Uncharted series previously here at Coolector HQ, this latest version simply looks too good to miss and the gameplay footage above is undoubtedly testament to that.

Showcasing the sort of sneak gameplay that the series has become synonymous for, Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End very much looks to be more of the excellent same but this time with much more jaw-dropping graphics and action and we can’t wait for it to hit Playstation 4 machines in 2015.

See More: Naughty Dog

Leo Davie