Vintage Industrial Bronx Crank Desk

One’s workspace can often define an individual and will invariably speak volumes about their personality so, in this regard, you probably want to get your hands on one of these stunning Vintage Industrial Bronx Crank Desks if you want to be considered a Ron Swanson-esque chap with impeccable taste in wood and steel.

Whilst this almost unbearably stylish piece of furniture is certainly not cheap, we can’t think of many workspaces that we’d appreciate more here at Coolector HQ than the Bronx Crank Desk from Vintage Industrial and we’re in no doubt there will be plenty of like-minded chaps out there as well.

This stunning design boasts two gargantuan 5 ton rated screw mechanisms that support and alters the height of the desk (30″ to 42″), as well as two 12″ cast iron crank handles for visual superiority. This industrial looking piece will add a considerable aesthetic fillip to any home or office and give you give you a workspace that is the envy of your peers. Take a look at a few more shots below:







Industrial design is something that is vastly appealing to us here at The Coolector but it’s not everyday that you come across pieces quite as jaw-droppingly brilliant as the Bronx Crank Desk from Vintage Industrial. Built to last 100 years and painstakingly crafted from top to bottom, this is one piece of furniture that it going to make a mark on every level.

Price: $15,795+

See More: Vintage Industrial

Leo Davie