Side Project Skateboards

We are unquestionably terrible at any pursuits which require an abundance of balance here at Coolector HQ and that’s why we’ve not ventured upon a skateboard for a good twenty years or so but that doesn’t mean to say that we can’t be won over by fantastic design and that’s why we’ve fallen for these rather spiffing looking Side Project Skateboards.

Side Project Skateboards are a brand operating out of Houston, Texas, and are the brainchild of woodworking enthusiast and skateboarder, Jake Eshelman, who has managed to comingle his two loves to produce some genuinely striking and high-performing skateboards that both look the part and deliver on the performance stakes too.

If you’re a regular skateboarder on the hunt for a supremely cool new board on which to pull off your moves then you’ll be hard pressed to find any that are better aesthetically than those of Side Project Skateboards and you can take a look at a few more shots below:

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There are going to be plenty of skateboarders out there who can stay upright on these contraptions who will have been left mightily impressed with the visual appeal of Side Project Skateboards and the fact that they not only look great but are also made from the finest materials in the good ol’ US of A really is a win-win in our book.

See More: Side Project Skateboards

Leo Davie