Diminish & Ascend

We couldn’t be much further removed from being artwork connoisseurs here at Coolector HQ but, like most people, we are in a position of being able to say what impresses us and this, frankly astonishing, piece from David McCracken (possibly related to Big Ern’) called Diminish & Ascend which is currently being showcased in Bondi, Australia, as part of the Sculpture By The Sea event, definitely falls into the “impresses us” category.

The piece, which looks like a infinite staircase stretching into the heavens when viewed from the right perspective, is superbly conceived and executed and, as you can see from some of the photos we’re about to show below, makes for some mightily impressive photo opportunities when caught in the right light or weather conditions. An extraordinary piece and a real favourite of the Sculpture By The Sea event. Check it out in its considerable glory below:





Diminish and Ascend #2 - David McCracken (NZ)


More information: Sculpture By The Sea.

Leo Davie