Dash Travel Wallet

We love to travel here at Coolector HQ and this means we’re always on the lookout for accessories which will make this process easier…

Dargett Craft Brewery

We’re not going to lie, we’re probably fonder of craft beer than it is sensible to be from a health perspective but there is…


We’re all about innovative designers here at Coolector HQ and even if the design in question is currently in the concept phase, if it’s…

El Purista Smoking Chair

Whilst we’re not smokers here at Coolector HQ, we are more than a little partial to fantastic pieces of furniture design so our lack…

1969 Haz Dune Buggy

Whilst most of the time when looking for a new contraption to port oneself around in, our attention will turn to the latest and…

Poler Stuff Breezy Jacket

Quality and diversity are both characteristics of one of our favourite outdoor supplies suppliers, Poler Stuff, here at Coolector HQ and both these traits…