Bearded Year Calendar 2015

Growing a beard is somewhat of a commitment which typically entails months of itchiness and annoyance until you hit the payload and acquire a full-grown bushy beard and for those who don’t want to go through the odd month of discomfort but want to celebrate the out and out awesomeness of beards then this rather excellent Bearded Year Calendar 2015 might just be the ideal solution.

The Bearded Year Calendar is the work of Anna Marinenko who has forged her masterpiece by creating a series of 12 transparent overlay sheets which have varying levels of beard growth upon them which will gradually increase the voracity of the beard as the year moves inexorably forward. If, like us here at Coolector HQ, the process of growing a beard is fraught with difficulty then you’ll likely be equally as drawn to this superb looking calendar and want it hanging, Ron Swanson-esque on your workspace. Take a look at a few more shots of this fine specimen below:




As it’s still January, there is no better time to get your hands on a calendar for the next 12 months and we can think of few offerings that we’d rather have on our walls than this awesome Bearded Year Calendar. If you’ve an affinity for a hairy face and want a way of tracking your days that reflects this then you know what you need to do.

Price: $100 (including frame)

See More: Etsy

Leo Davie