Alternative Movie Posters by Adam Juresko

We definitely consider ourselves movie fans here at Coolector HQ and one of the chief elements for drawing people into the magic of the movies (at least historically) is the poster for the film and it has been extremely noticeable that the design process behind the once glorious movie posters has become increasingly lackadaisical and slap-dash but there are still those out there will to lend their creative talents to the process and one who has definitely caught our eye goes by the name of Adam Juresko and his superb series of Alternative Movie Posters.

Adam Juresko is a self-taught designer and artist who certainly seems to have a flair for minimal style movie post design and plenty of our favourite pieces of popular culture here at Coolector HQ such as Drive, The Usual Suspects, The Wire and Pulp Fiction have come under Juresko’s purview with his cracking collection of movie inspired artwork.

Each of the prints that have been chronicled above are available to purchase via Juresko’s Etsy store and the Richmond based designer has certainly left us wanting more and we can’t wait to see what other films will get his treatment in 2015. If you’re after some top notch movie artwork for your home or office then we really can’t think of many better options that these supremely stylised prints from this talented American artist.

Price: $15+

See More: Etsy

Leo Davie