Simon Stalenhag Artwork

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It’s been rather a long time since we here at The Coolector have been quite so mesmerised by a series as artwork as we were when we stumbled across these utterly jaw-dropping paintings from Stockholm based artist, Simon Stalenhag. Offering a whole host of near future artwork, the skilled paintbrush protagonist has definitely got an excellent eye for detail and we’ve been left agog by the simplistic, yet rather haunting, images that he has portrayed.

Somewhat brilliantly, Stalenhag has managed to sneak two of our favourite things here at The Coolector – namely robots and dinosaurs – into his artwork and the talented chap definitely has many strings to his bow insomuch as he’s an accomplished illustrator and games designer as well as being a devilishly good painter as the images below wonderfully illustrate:


In a word – awesome. It really is quite gratifying when you just happen across artwork which is right up your street and we here at The Coolector absolutely love this Simon Stalenhag artwork – hope you do too.

Not content with being incredible at painting, Stalenhag has also created a rather spiffing 16-bit game as part of his role as one half of Pixeltruss – the game is called Ripple Dot Zero and you can play it – HERE.

Check out Stalenhag’s site at

Prints £50 – £100 – Available at Red Bubble.

Leo Davie