Mike Hollingshead Storm Chasing Photography

Storms are pretty awe-inspiring things but there are only a few who are bonkers enough to document their awesomeness. One such chap goes by the name of Mike Hollingshead and his series of photos capturing some of the most monumental storms in America’s heart land and we here at Coolector HQ are utterly astounded by them. Check out some of his best work below:


Nebraska Tornado Intercept

Night Supercell

Truck Stop and Twilight Supercell

Mammatus Clouds

South Dakota Mammatus Clouds

Badlands Fog Storm

Nebraska Summer Supercell

Mammatus Clouds

Safe to say this is some pretty impressive and awe-inspiring photography made all the more exceptional by the fact the photographer put his life on the line to capture them.

See More: Extreme Instability 

Leo Davie