Benny T’s Vesta Dry Hot Sauce

Our tolerance for spicy foods is devilishly low but our love of excellent branding and packaging is, conversely, extremely high so we’re happy to report on the fantastic looking Benny T’s Vesta Dry Hot Sauce which will likely be the ideal accompaniment for those who can countenance having their taste buds singed in the search of culinary perfection.

This wonderfully designed product is billed as the “original” hot sauce insomuch as its the only one of its type that exists and it is the creation of Ben Tuorto, a spicy food aficionado who came up with his Benny T’s Vesta Dry Hot Sauce back in 2007 and hasn’t looked back since. Using only the best, fresh chiles, Tuorto has the objective of improving the flavour of your food and not disguising it as most sauce accompaniments do.

Available in three different temperature varieties – hot, very hot and Ghost (for those of the death-wish disposition) – you’ll need to have a Commando-esque tongue to come out on the other side unscathed but if you’re a fan of spicy food, you’ll not find a better example of an accompanying sauce than Benny T’s Vesta Dry Hot Sauce.

benny t

So, if you’re wanting to really put your tongue through the mill in 2014 and add an extra kick to your meals, you’ve got your ideal ally in the form of Benny T’s Hot Sauce and though we here at The Coolector are deeply fearful about trying it, we’re sure to give it a bash at some point.

Price: $7+

Available: Benny T

Leo Davie