The Order 1886

As regular players of the PS4 here at Coolector HQ, we invariably sit up and take notice when jaw-dropping games begin to take shape for the console and there is a mightily impressive looking one by the name of The Order 1886 that has us thoroughly mesmerised at present and a perusal of the video above will show you exactly why.

The Order 1886 is set in an alternate 19th century London and has a distinct steampunk-esque flavour at its core. In the game you assume the role of knights of The Order and must tackle half human / half mutant foes who inhabit the city whilst also trying to deal with a civil uprising.

The game is a PS4 exclusive and is the work of Sony and is a 3rd person combat shooter with genuinely astounding visuals that have got us here at The Coolector mightily excited for its impending release which has been pencilled in for a July release.

See More: The Order 1886

Leo Davie