Dumpsty Miniature Dumpsters

Whilst having a dumpster on your desk is something that, on the face of it, might not appeal, that will be something that you will almost certainly change your mind on when you clasp eyes on these, frankly awesome, Dumpsty Miniature Dumpsters which are one part storage solution and three parts artwork.

This isn’t the first time we’ve featured Dumpsty on the pages of The Coolector but they’ve added to their catalogue of ace looking miniature dumpsters since we last covered their awesome wares and they now boast dozens of great little workspace storage solutions to choose from. With an objective of showcasing some of America’s best unknown artistic talents by giving them free reign to decorate some of their spiffing little dumpsters, the level of creativity pervading through this great American brand is second to none and we love the functionality of their designs. Check out a few of the best below:

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You might not need a brilliantly artistic little dumpster on your desk but, if you’re anything like us here at Coolector HQ, then you’re almost certainly going to want one. With so many designs to be chosen from and the promise of more to come, we’re massive fans of the Dumpsty project and the fact that it introduces us to so many new and impressive artists whilst also providing a functional and versatile workspace accessory is just the icing on the cake.

See More: Dumpsty

Leo Davie
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