The Mountie

We invariably find here at Coolector HQ that it is the most seemingly insignificant and small gadgets that capture one’s imagination the most and so it has proven once again with a rather excellent, yet devilishly simple, device that goes by the name of The Mountie from New Jersey based technology pedlars, One Ten Design.

If you’ve a computer and a smartphone or tablet (so, basically everyone) then The Mountie is definitely a device worthy of your attention, particularly if you’re the sort who positively welcomes distraction whilst you’re endeavouring to work. The Mountie permits you to connect any smartphone or tablet to your desktop or laptop computer via a small attachment so you can watch downloaded television shows, live sports or read books on your smartphone or tablet whilst you are giving the impression of actually working on your main computer.

We’ve got a lot of time for simple but effective gadgets at The Coolector and The Mountie unquestionably falls into this category and for anyone looking for a highly functional solution to being able to do two things at once then this is surely it. Check out a few more shots of The Mountie in action below:





If you’re intent on getting your 2015 off to a particularly unproductive start, The Mountie should be an ideal catalyst in achieving this and we’re definitely going to be getting on hands on some sooner rather than later.

See More: Ten One Design

Leo Davie