Niche Zero Coffee Grinder

Coffee is a serious business at Coolector HQ as it essentially acts as our creative catalyst and fuel for the day. With this in…

The Cat Flat

If, like us here at Coolector HQ, you’ve got some feline friends ruling the roost and you want to give them nothing but the…

1967 Dodge Charger

Classic cars are somewhat of a pipe dream of ours here at Coolector HQ and though we’re unlikely to ever get our hands on…

Marshall Tufton Speaker

When it comes to listening to your favourite tunes on the go, few brands do portable speakers better than the guys at Marshall and…

Vollebak 100 Year Jacket

Though you’re unlikely to ever be able to confirm its capacity to last a century, the 100 Year Jacket from Vollebak is one mighty…

Budnitz Alpha Bicycle

When it comes to bicycles, it goes without saying that performance is the all-important factor but it certainly doesn’t hurt if it is combined…

Lakeside House

Sweden is home to many majestic forests and lakes and this stunning Lakeside House from Dive Architects makes the most of both and has…