
The Mountie

We invariably find here at Coolector HQ that it is the most seemingly insignificant and small gadgets that capture one’s imagination the most and…

Samsung Gear VR

The concept of virtual reality is certainly nothing new but its yet to be rolled out successfully to any sort of critical acclaim but…

Cicret Band

Smartphones are deeply entrenched in most people’s day to day life and there really isn’t many moments that go by where our phone is…

Steampunk Gameboy

The Gameboy was one of the most iconic and outright playable handheld devices during at childhood here at Coolector HQ and our affection for…

Amstrong Light Trap

Every now and then, you’ll stumble across a piece of design that makes you sit up and take notice and that’s exactly what has…

Foldio 2

Taking photographers and making them look professional is extremely hard. Particularly when you’re doing so without any of the tools of the trade that…

YotaPhone 2

The mobile phone industry is a highly competitive one whereby new names to the market really have to go above and beyond in order…

Baidu Dubike Smart Bike

Smart watches have very much been the flavour of the day on the pages of The Coolector of late so its high time we…

Michael Bastian HP Smart Watch

We’ve been featuring a lot of smartwatches of all different shapes, sizes, capabilities and costs of late here on the pages of The Coolector…

Nevo Smartwatch

The first criticism that is often levelled at smart watches is that they don’t look like watches at all and, for most people, a…

Moov Fitness Device

Keeping fit is something that takes a good deal of dedication and hard work and it’s often difficult to find the motivation and drive…

Perch Light

Origami is a skillset well above our station here at Coolector HQ but it’s definitely a capability that we admire and when you add…