Shark Sushi Plate

We’re not fans of either sharks or sushi here at Coolector HQ to be honest but combine them together and you’ve got yourself a…

Rhino Hammer

We’re not going to lie, DIY is far from our forte here at Coolector HQ but we are big fans of awesome pieces of…

Grovemade Speakers

Portland based, Grovemade, are one of our favourite brands here at The Coolector and we’re always waiting with baited breath for their new releases…

Tempus Electric Bike

The older we get (and the more often we throw our back out) here at Coolector HQ, our thoughts gravitate more and more towards…

Finca Aguy Retreat

Whilst we don’t currently have a home to call our own here at Coolector HQ, we very much like the idea of said residence…

Neonos Holland 01 Dive Watch

Diving is a pursuit that will demand a certain calibre of equipment given the conditions that you’ll inevitably find yourself in and we’ve just…


We love our tech here at Coolector HQ and this is particularly true when it’s engaging, innovative and patently cool so you won’t be…

Soylent Coffiest

Our willpower at Coolector HQ is decidedly lacking when it comes to eating healthily and we’ll inevitably gravitate towards the unhealthier foods but we…

After The Race Artwork

We know that we can count a lot of automotive and car aficionados amongst our followers here at Coolector HQ and we’ve unquestionably just…

SplitGrain Lamps

Finding the right pieces to complete an interior design project is one of the hardest parts and a particularly irksome area to get right…