

As big fans of the most recent iterations of the Batman movie franchise, we watched with interest when it was announced by FOX that…

Centr Camera

Usually there’s a way of spinning some comedic overtones on a brands name, but with a title like Centr Cam that’s proving somewhat difficult….


We take our coffee pretty seriously here at Coolector HQ and if you’re of a similar caffeine addled mindset as us then you too…

Hitman Go

If like us, you let the godawful Hitman movie sully your enjoyment of the franchise, it might just be time to let bygones be…


Technology is advancing all the time but sometimes it pays to look at past innovations and revolutionise them and that’s exactly what we’ve got…

Gone Girl Trailer

Though we haven’t read Gone Girl at Coolector HQ, we’ve heard good things about it and were definitely excited when we heard that David…

Tetra Shed

Owning a shed is an objective for most men but the term “shed” doesn’t do justice to what we’re about to show you –…

Poseidon Rex

2015’s Oscars might as well be cancelled, we’ve got the winner of every category right here… …say hello to Poseidon Rex. Apparently released on…

Span Smart Watch

Smart watches have been popping up all over the place of late and whilst the Triwa smart watch concept we covered proved incredibly popular,…


We regularly feature artwork and awesome looking prints on The Coolector but why let everyone else dictate what you hang on your wall? Why…

Tiny Worlds

We here at The Coolector very much like the idea that there is a whole world of Borrowers-esque action going on beneath our feet…

Edge of Tomorrow

You can imagine Hollywood executives sitting around a table brainstorming and trying to think of good ideas when one pipes up with “Source Code….